"Plushie or plastic, mate?" In Threadbare RPG, you play a jury-rigged toy in a broken, stitched-together world.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Update (A Duplicate)
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 08:50:51 AM
Hey, I realized my previous update with The Plan was backer-only due to the existence of my email address in it. So, here's a copy! Backers got this over a week ago, but I did update it for the current status as of October 17. I'm not sending an email notification to backers-- it's really just a public version without my email address in plain text.
Color Softcovers
I'm still accepting photos of your color softcovers with the trim issues. Send them to me by email with your order number. For non-backers, you should have an email from me from about 6 weeks ago where you can reach me.
In a couple of weeks, I'll turn the replacement stuff over to DriveThruRPG, but for now, I'm assembling them all into a bulk request for DTRPG to handle.
Color Hardcovers
We have fixed the files for the hardcovers, and I'm ordering a proof at the same time I order an updated color softcover proof.
Here's the plan for doing these replacements:
Get clean proofs of the hardcovers and a new clean proof of the softcovers. I'm updating the color softcover interior to try and reduce the chance of bad trim problems in future printings, and before requesting the replacement books. I am waiting for file approval and will start this step as soon as I can.
Send the bulk replacement request to DriveThruRPG. I'll notify you all again when I order the proofs, so you know the deadline to send me your photos approaches.
At that time, I'll switch to asking you to contact DriveThruRPG directly for your replacement. There's a link on their website, but I'll also post it here for you to contact them. You could contact them now, if you like, but there's a risk that the book you get won't have the updated interior, and therefore, might still have the trim problem.
Order the hardcovers. I will do these in a couple of batches to reduce the risk of trim issues.
Rinse and repeat with the black and white softcover books. I've held off on this because I want to get a "clean" copy of the interior so Bill (layout) doesn't have to keep doing trial-and-error. If we get a clean version, in theory, those page settings should work for the black and white book, too.
Order the autographed copies to get them here and get them signed and mailed out to you.
It's not a perfect plan, because I don't have dates and a timeline attached to these. Basically, if the proofs are good, things can go quickly. If the proofs are bad, then we keep working to fix them.
Thank you so much for all your patience during this. I know it's been a long delay, and I really appreciate everyone being kind and patient. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, now, and I'm so glad you've all been with me on this journey!
I'm running an online game of Threadbare at GauntletCon on October 22! It will be streamed on the Gauntlet website as well, so if you're wondering how I run a game, it should be a great way to jump in and see how it plays. I'm also speaking on a panel that morning about inclusivity in gaming. It's a topic I don't consider myself qualified to talk about, really, but I'll do my best.
Also, a heads up-- Threadbare will be at the IGDN booth at PAX Unplugged in November. I won't be there in person, but IGDN typically has a booth at the larger conventions, and they will have a few books to sell. It's an experiment to see how it does in this new convention.
Handouts! (and a quick update about the trim issue)
over 7 years ago
– Sat, Aug 12, 2017 at 06:26:48 PM
Basic Moves and Playbooks in PDF
While I was kicking around this morning, I decided to hack together a couple of easy-to-print PDFs of the basic moves and playbooks.
I'm not making that link super-public yet, but I wanted you all to have something to print out to run the game.
Update for Color Softcover Backers
How Are the Softcover Copies Getting Fixed? How Will You Know If My Copy Needs to be Replaced?
I don't honestly know just yet the answers to those questions, but I can promise that if your copy has the trim problem, it will be replaced. So far, I've only heard from backers whose copies have trim problems, which makes me think the entire print run was bad.
Please be patient while I get this sorted out. You'll either get a survey or email from me to find out if your copy was bad, or I may just replace them all.
I am fairly confident that I won't have any news until after GenCon, August 22nd at the earliest.
Copies Arriving! (But Where Are the Page Numbers?!?)
over 7 years ago
– Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 11:40:49 PM
I'm so excited to hear and see that copies are arriving!
And so disappointed to hear that some of the books aren't perfect!
If you're looking at your book and the bottom outside corner of the pages either doesn't have a page number, or doesn't have a complete page number, please hold tight! I've already contacted DriveThruRPG about the issue, but I don't expect them to be able to resolve anything until after GenCon (after August 22).
Rest assured: If your book has this problem, it will be replaced. This is an unacceptable error, and one that I made sure wouldn't happen by having a solid proof copy in hand before ordering.
Update on DriveThru PDFs
over 7 years ago
– Wed, Aug 09, 2017 at 01:19:11 PM
A very astute backer emailed me this morning to point out that he hadn't received a copy of his PDF in DriveThru-- it turns out I made a mistake and didn't send them out to the "signed copy" backers. That should be fixed now. My apologies; yesterday was a very long (but exciting) day at the day job, and I was just excited to get those PDFs out to you all.
Also, it's hard for me to be sure, but I think the PDF is coming to you as a discount code from DriveThruRPG, rather than being added directly to your library. This, of course, makes total sense, since your Kickstarter email and your DriveThru email might be different. However, it does mean you'll need to click the link in that email, which will add the PDF to your shopping cart at DriveThru at the low-low price of $0.
All right, that's it for the moment. I'll keep you all updated as things keep moving along!
PDFs Are Out on DriveThru!
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Aug 08, 2017 at 10:39:53 PM
Your PDFs are available on DriveThruRPG!
If you backed for any level starting at $9 and up, or if you pre-ordered, you should have received an email about it. If you did not, please do the following:
Login to your DriveThruRPG account and check your library-- it might already be there.
If it's not there, contact me via Kickstarter to let me know. If you pre-ordered, contact support on Backerkit for help.
That makes two places where you can download your PDF copy of the book: Backerkit's digital rewards, and DriveThruRPG.
The third and final place will be set up in about a week-- it'll be a link to Dropbox and Google Drive sent to you by email.
I'm trying to get everything wrapped up before next week's GenCon fun but the trim issues on the hardcover and now the black and white copies have stymied that a little bit. There will be copies of the softcover book for sale at GenCon in the IGDN booth (Booth #2347).
I understand some of those color softcovers are already shipping. I would love to see them as they arrive!